Saturday, 15 May 2010

(UN)VEILED Comments

The comments left in the visitors book show that the exhibition has succeeded in reaching out to many people and bring to public attention the 'invisible' problem of human trafficking.  

“Very evocative, thought-provoking… and more importantly motivating ACTION!”

“Thank you for bringing what I naively assumed as ‘someone else’s problem’ to my town & my consciousness. A remarkable experience”

“The art is so powerful in exposing sex trafficking for what it really is & how appalling it is.”

“I’m still thinking… which I guess is the point.”

“I found the Flint portrait really arresting. Are you allowed to “love” something so disturbing?”

“Very interesting exhibition that will definitely make me think all day.”

“As an 18yr old girl you have definitely raised my awareness of what is going on in the world that often we don’t hear about I feel like now I will try and do my bit to help to also raise awareness.”

“It’s actually really shocking and scary. But I love how the art describes the situation. It’s really effective.”

“Really thoughtful and evocative.”

“Time to get out of the streets and put the “I’m alright Jack” mentality to bed…. lets disempower this evil!”

“Part of me wants to not accept this isn’t happening, especially so close to home. We need to be aware and understand the issues.”

“Shocking what a sad world we live in. We will see if we can do something to help.”

“Start campaigning on facebook and other networking sites, this MUST END NOW!!”

“I hope we can change someones life, take the covers off and show the world!”